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» Back to listing Happy New Year to Everyone!

8th January 2014

We are sure a few of you have made resolutions?  Well how about a few for your Health, Safety and Environmental systems?

At Peak HSE we believe that your systems can always benefit from a periodic refresh and what better time of year to be thinking about changes for the better.  We have suggested three New Year’s Resolutions to start your 2014 the way you mean to carry on.

  1. Review your policies –  Many organisations write their policy
    statement and then fail to adequately review it, in the mean-time the business
    has moved on, processes and activities have changed and so have your HSE
    priorities.  Remember your policy is the public face of your systems and
    presents an opportunity to tell all your stakeholders about the positive things
    that you are doing to manage your business, make sure that it does you
  2. The law – are you upto date with the current requirements for Health and
    Safety and Environment?  As I’m sure you are aware legislation is often
     changing, whether it be ‘simplification’ or new items of legislation
    nothing seems to stay the same for very long.  We try to keep you upto
    date with the latest changes but are you confident that you have a
    comprehensive understanding of the law and it’s requirements.   If
    you do not maintain registers of legislation then maybe it’s a good time to
    start to compile one, if you have them already then you should definitely check
    to make sure that they are current.  Health and Safety Executive and Environment
    Agency websites are a good place to start and carries most
    legislation in full and some accompanying documents.
  3. Competence – is everyone competent to carry out the roles that they are
    required to undertake for management of your Health, Safety and Environmental
    needs?  It has long been an area of interest for regulators and auditors
    to check to see if everyone on site is competent to carry out their roles and
    responsibilities.  ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 require that the organisation
    carry out a training needs analysis (TNA) to identify and then meet training
    needs across the business.  If you haven’t done one yet, now is a great
    time to start to plan your business’s training requirements and remember Peak
    HSE can provide accredited and bespoke training for you and your organisation. 

For further details contact the Team at Peak HSE Ltd:


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